Proposed Season Dates

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Brent Bryant
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Proposed Season Dates

Post by Brent Bryant »

They won't make anything official until the August meeting, but here are the proposed dates the AGFC is considering:

Proposed duck season dates:
Nov. 21-29
Dec. 10-Dec. 23
Dec. 26-Jan. 31
Youth Hunt: Feb. 6-7

Canada, White-fronted, snow, blue and Ross’s goose seasons
Nov. 19-Jan. 31

Snow, blue and Ross’s goose conservation order
Oct. 10-Nov. 18, Feb. 1-5 and Feb. 8-April 25

I sure like that 1/31 end date!!! How about that Speck season opening two days before duck? Hmmm.

If these dates are set, I expect we'll look at pre-season work days being 11/7-8, and 11/19-21, but we can decide for sure later.
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Brent Bryant
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Re: Proposed Season Dates

Post by Brent Bryant »

Hold the press! Everyone needs to go to and voice your opinion about an alternative season proposal that takes the after season youth hunt and the last 5 days of January so that the youth season can be the two days after Christmas.

To each his own, but I can't help but wonder why anyone would want to give up the last 5 days of January and the first weekend in February so they can take their kid the 26th and 27th of December when they can take their kids hunting those days anyway??? I know it might be colder in February, but then again, it might not. Sure seems to me that the hunting is better after season than after Christmas, but I could never admit to knowing that for sure. :lol:

Here's the story:

LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is looking for feedback on this year’s waterfowl season. The waterfowl survey is available on the agency’s website and details two options for the upcoming season structure.

Although staff recommendations for this year’s waterfowl season dates were formally proposed during the July Commission meeting, public comments prompted the Commission to look into an alternative set of dates for public review.

Frameworks for migratory bird hunting seasons are established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in cooperation with the Flyway Councils. States can choose more restrictive seasons, but cannot set seasons beyond established dates. The latest allowable date for duck season this year is Jan. 31.

Arkansas’s current duck season framework allows no more than three season segments with two season splits. The following two options are being reviewed for approval at the August Commission meeting.

Ducks, coots and mergansers

Option 1 (Calendar adjustment from last year’s framework):
Nov. 21-29
Dec. 10-23
Dec. 26-Jan. 31
Youth Hunt: Feb. 6-7

Option 2 (Alternative dates for review):
Nov. 21-Dec. 2
Dec. 5-Dec. 23
Dec. 29-Jan.26
Youth Hunt: Dec. 26-27

Canada, white-fronted, snow, blue and Ross’s geese:
Nov. 19-Jan. 31

Snow, blue and Ross’s geese conservation order:
Oct. 10-Nov. 18, Jan. 31-Feb. 5 and Feb. 8-Apr. 25 Deadline for the survey is Aug. 17.
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